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A member registered Mar 13, 2023

Recent community posts

How get a 2 person ? The headmaster said it

I'm so stuck at the part of painting that fuck ask can anyone help? Please

Where a d which one???

ummm which one exactly?

(1 edit)

Ummm which one should I downloaded? There's a lot....? I want the first start oh wait nvm I found it but idk what the code is pls help I downloaded season 1 chapter 1-5

I don't get it

How meet garuik again I mean I already meet him at the new road and he said "lead the way" when I going back home and didn't see him at all. HOW. EXACTLY?

Can anyone tell me where the redwood forest

can you tell me how to bandits morale must higher than 25.How???? I'm still 0

i think i already did.maybe

Hayyy can anyone help about the "trouble in the den" about (clash between Logan and barell when entering the tavern in bareshade????? I mean how exactly